Electric Hunting Car / Sporting Vehicle

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Detailed Electric Hunting Car / Sporting Vehicle Description:

Weight (no batteries) : 760 lbs. Load Capacity: 875 lbs. Height (no top) : 4' 6". Tires: 22 x 11-10. Tire Pressure: 10-15 psi. Lights: 55-watt Halogen. Brakes: Rear wheel drum with automatic adjusting mechanism. Motor: 48-volt D. C. 14 H. P. Electric voltage: 48-volt D. C. 6x8-volt maintenance free Batteries. Forward / Reverse Switch: Solid state push button. Speed Controller: 650-amp solid state. Speed: 18-22 mph. Charger: Fully automatic and portable. Suspensions: Independence In the Front and Spring in the back

Our company is specialized exporter, manufacturer and supplier of Electric Hunting Car / Sporting Vehicle in china.

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