55 / 60 / 65 / 70 CR-39 Lens

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Detailed 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 CR-39 Lens Description:

CR-39 Lens, clear and Tinted. Dia: 55/60/65/70mm. 1.56 Organic, HC, HMC+EMI. 1.61 Organic HC, HMC+EMI. CR-39 Flat top 70/28mm. CR-39 Blend top 70/28, 70/24mm. CR-39 Round top 70/28, 7/24mm. CR-39 Progressive 75mm regular. CR-39 Progressive 75mm short. All above have semi-finished. Mineral 1.523 lens Dia: 55/ 60/ 65/ 70mm. Mineral 1.523 Flat top 65/28mm, finished and semi-finished. Mineral 1.523 Round top 65/28mm, finished and semi-finished. CR-39 polarized lens. Dia:70mm, base 6, CT:2.2mm. Mineral polarized lens. Dia:65mm, base 6/8, CT:2.0mm

  • Products ID: 22200
  • Product Category: Eyeglass Lenses
  • Post date: Aug 14, 2008
Our company is specialized exporter, manufacturer and supplier of 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 CR-39 Lens in china.

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